Finder’s Keeper – An Online Novel

A few years back, I created for a writing class a simple little short story. “Breathe” was a first-person piece of a retired thief playing beat-the-clock to steal a cryptography backdoor from a computer security firm – his own. It had a several interesting elements I’d never tried in a narrative before, and I liked it. Never submitted it anywhere, because the ending is a little too Deus Ex as it stands…

But the thief, Tomas, always stuck with me. Why was he who he was? What happened to him?

This year, I had a writing challenge presented to me – post a different piece to a group called “Saturday Scenes” on Google+ every week. Let the wisdom of the group guide and improve your work, etc. Many post pieces from their existing books, already published.

I was tempted to do that, then I considered an alternative. What about reigniting the Tomas character, in noir-type mystery? I’d post one part at a time online via Saturday Scenes and eventually, gather them up to add them online here as well.
Consider them gathered. Finder’s Keeper is that story. The parts aren’t coming weekly (life always finds a way to intervene), but it remains a work in progress, and the adventures of Tomas, Louis, Vee and the mystery of the al Mansouri twins shall continue.

I hope you’ll enjoy the read as much as I’m enjoying the write!